
John McCain Praises Barack Obama For \'Historic\' Victory - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

I was able to get tickets to McCain's election party. Sad day, but I had a great time. I saw John Voigt, mingled with some powerful people...and saw Sarah Palin, in the flesh. I love her.

Anyway, after McCain's speech I was interviewed and here it is for you to see. They didn't include my favorite part where I called for anyone who is so unhappy with the turn out that they would rather not live here, to move so that we no longer have to deal with them. We don't need people like that here. Check out the last paragraph!

John McCain Praises Barack Obama For 'Historic' Victory - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

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Krista and Scott said...

Did you really get a tattoo? Of a naked mermaid? That cracks me up!! I'm jealous you got to meet Sarah Palin--I like her a lot (said like Jim Carey). Check out my blog: scottgohusfam.blogspot.com

Sister Kimberly Shill said...

nice quote!

Natalie DeVore said...

dude..my profile says you updated and I got so excited! But then I came over and nothing..phooie!