

Okay, so I know it has been a while in coming, and I have already taken other trips...but I couldn't go on in my blog without updating about Italy.

Suffice it to say, that it was an awesome trip. It was sooo good to see my family again, well the part of them that I saw. I love them so much. We had so much fun chilling with the Romans and walking among ancient ruins. The Colluseum. You know the drill. And, I love Italian food so I was in heave. It was all so beautiful.

We flew to Rome on Saturday and was that interesting. My original plan was to talk the 11 am bus to Málaga to catch the plane with my family. But I had a feeling I should take the 10 am so I went to catch it, and right before I walked on...I remembered I didn't have my passport. So my awesome Spanish family brought it to me and saved the day. So I had to take the 11 am bus. Good thing I followed inspiration. It's a great thing to receive. Then I might a really nice old man who is now my friend and he calls me to check up on me once in a while. I think he may go to church with me one of these days. But I am gone alot on the weekends, so we shall see. Anyway, there was horrible traffic and I almost didn't make it to the airport on time but luckily I barely did.

Our first sunset was beautiful, one like I haven't seen...or one like you don't see anywhere other than maybe AZ.

We spent Saturday to Tuesday in Rome. Then went to Florence, which was my favorite...and I think everyone else's. We toured, bought a lot, and ate a lot of gelato. It was a great time. We went back to Rome on Friday and came home Saturday. It was awesome. Saturday I spent some time with my old man friend and a new Italian friend I made that lives in Málaga as well.

Then it was G Con. And much of that went over my head. It was great to feel the spirit there though. It was a great time. And, I saw my friend Dex Nye which was cool.

Hm, I don't have much more to say other than that I love my parents and all that they have done for me, so I will let my slideshow do the rest of the talking.

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