
Barcelona and Mika Concert

I couldn't go any longer without describing Mika and Barcelona. Well, just since I decided to do Italy I thought I would knock it all out at once.

I went to Barcelona last weekend, simply to see Mika in concert. And let me tell you, it was worth it.

Ditched class on Thursday to fly to Barcelona with my friend Eric. We didn't know it, but some other girls from our program were going to Barcelona, too. We didn't know them before this, and now we are great friends. We got settled in our Hostel (hostel living is interesting, I recommend everyone do it in their life), then headed out to meet the girls because they stayed in a different hostel which was at the arse end of nowhere (I will explain later). We saw this sweet market with all this candy and food and animals for sale. Went down to the boardwalk and saw some little monuments. Then we ventured to find Palau Sant Jordi, which is a stadium up on a mountain in a park right by Olympic Stadium from '92 I believe. It was definitely a hike, let me tell you. We wandered around aimlessly until we actually found it. I was a little tired of walking at this point. Eric and I went to the concert and the girls went to dinner and home, to the hostel. Eric and I survived this day with each of us eating one sandwhich at lunch and having no dinner.

Thought you might want to see how I dress myself now.

The concert needs its own paragraph. It was amazing. Videos attached. I was so impressed by his performance. Also met some Barcelona kids, young...didn't really know the scene. But they were cool to talk to. All they wanted to talk about was High School Musical. And sadly, I knew everything they were talking about. Thanks Katie, for forcing me to watch it multiple times while in Italy. So, Mika performed every song and then some. He had 3 songs I hadn't heard, which were great.

After the concert we had to walk to the metro, which closed when we were supposed to connect to a different line so we had to take the bus. Then hike the mountain to our hostel. Great time.
The next day we slept in and headed out for some sight seeing. We finally ate, we didn't have breakfast either. We saw some Gaudi work. The Gaudi park and what not. Then that night we went out on the town. Stayed out til the morning metro opened. Don't worry..I was good. Still, I have never tasted alcohol. Pat on the back.

Oh yeah, we were also late every time we went to meet our friends. We would hang with these Scottish girls in our hostel. They taught us some good sayings and they were extremely funny. We taught them...ate it (like when you trip and eat it.) We taught them "that's what she said" (kudos to The Office). That is where I got, "the arse end of nowhere" it means "far away". Also one I like..."you takin the piss (out of me)"? it means "are you messing with me/ you pullin my leg"?

Okay, Saturday we went to La Sagrada Familia which is really interesting and cool. Went to the beach...freezing, sat in the sand for 2 minutes and left. Then sat in a coffee shop for 3 hours, playing "never have i ever". Went home, stayed up all night chilling with the Scottish lasses. Then caught the metro at 4:30 am and went to the airport. All in time to make it back for church. Which I could have died during.

That is all. And tomorrow I am off to Sevilla. Hoping to catch a soccer game.

1 comment:

Kate said...

So jealous! You have converted me to the ways of Mika. And it sounds like you are having so much fun. And the new wardrobe huh? The troy bolton pants makes me think I did make you watch high school musical a little much...haha. Love you.