
Things learned

I have learned a lot of new things while I am in Spain. I also have some funny things that happen or whatever. One day I was eating lunch and Louis, my señor or the father of the house, called me in to the room he was in and told me to sit next to him as he cleared a space. As he was doing this he said, "Mira la segunda guerra mundial" or "watch WW2." I looked up and was a little surprised to find that he was playing Call of Duty 2 on playstation. Other times when I walk in, he will tell me about how hard a battle has been for him. It's pretty amusing I think.

What else...oh yeah, other times when I have been in situations where people speak Spanish I could get away with saying "Sí" if I didn't understand something. It did get me into trouble a few times, like the time I told my señora in Mexico that there would be supervision with us going to the discoteca and there definitely was not. Anyway, I can't anymore. I guess I make a certain face when I don't understand but I say "Sí" anyway, and this family knows that face. They have learned when I am lying to them. In the end, I learn more because of it.

I gave the two little boys, Louis and Jacob, sesame street books. Tonight we were looking through them and Louis, the father, pointed to Bert and Ernie and said, "Los primeros gays". No joke. They say "gay" here too. Also, if you were wondering...they say mariquita, mariposa, and maricón. Maricón is most offensive of all and basically means "flaming fag." A maricona is a crossdressing gay. But, it is more appropriate or correct to call them "transia" I think. Just as it is more correct to say there is a gay, than maricón. Lesson learned.

Hm, I have also learned much about spanish basketball, which I didn't even think they had. España actually has a pretty good team. Tonight they beat Israel. You yell "Dentro" when it looks like the ball is going in, or once it's in. "Pasos" means traveling. "Falta" = foul. "Triple" = 3 pointer. That is sufficient for now I think. oh also, a tie is impato I think, and live = invivo.

Flights are really cheap here. That's really about it for now. I have pictures but they take so long to put up. Maybe I will make a slide show. later


Kate said...

Ha! I love your stories. I especially loved the part where you were talking about finding everyone's american counterpart. That is funny and a good idea! I also liked your "Padre's" devotion and excitement about nintendo games. It sounds like you are definitely learning lots!

Lara said...

sounds fun. i'm totally jealous! you are always in my prayers. hope you are safe.

Anonymous said...

I just like the part about Call of Duty...it made me think of that episode of the office. haha. I'm obsessed. And miss you lots. I'll send an email and fill you in soon, k?
