
I have a cool story.

okay...so just so you all know I am not forgetting the good work, I have a story for you. I have to take the bus from my house into the city everyday because I live in a town about 10k away. I was sitting at the bus stop and a man started talking to me. It was unusual for me because it seems like people on the street usually take one stare and then avoid me like the plague. So, I started talking to him and he asked me if I was from Englad (this all took place in Spanish of course). I told him no, that I am from the U.S. and he said that he has a friend from the U.S. I asked him from where and he said that his friend is a missionary for the Church. ("¡No me digas!") I began to push the subject and he told me that the missionaries had talked to him and shared with him their words and that he liked them. But, it has been several months since he has talked to them or visited church. The missionaries he spoke to have transferred and he doesn't know where they are, which was no problem for me. He talked many times about how the missionaries said it was the only true gospel and such and that he would like to continue looking into it but it's hard because he works so much and has no time. He also was interested in the free English program the missionaries offer here. So, I got his address and phone number and gave it to the sisters who ate lunch with us yesterday and they were glad for that. They said they would check in on him right away. The Lord crosses our paths for reasons. Isn't it strange how things can work out? It is a wonderful work that we are all here to do. Keep up the work, all.

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