
Golf Cart High-Jacking

So, I know that I still need to leave a detailed post of my spring break trip, but I am awaiting pictures from my sister, Lara, who has a compiled cd of everyone's pictures. (I didn't take any pictures other than those of a seal). I am now going to post on an adventure that I had with my friend Stine. She and I decided we wanted to do something unique and fun, that was picture worthy. I grabbed my camera and we headed out for Encanto Park in Phoenix. Once we realized there was a golf course we joked about renting a golf cart to drive around while not actually playing any golf.
We then wandered into the clubhouse and asked the man working if we could rent a cart. He asked, "And nine holes?" To which we replied, "No, we just want a cart to drive around the park." He was really confused and said that nobody had ever asked that before. And we asked, "Well, can we?" And he said, "I guess so," and gave us the key and we were off. It was a well spent 12 dollars seeing as how he didn't give us a time limit. We rode to our heart's content. The course was wet and muddy also and we had a good time fish tailing and hydroplaning. I splattered Christine all over her right side with mud. We chased birds, and stopped to pose for pictures. It really was a great time. At one point a man yelled at us and asked if we were stupid, because we didn't realize but we were driving in the rough along the fairway he was hitting down. And then we apologized and he said, "It's ok, it's all about having fun" at which point Stine thought she saw a joint in his hand. So we new, he really was all about the good times. Let them roll!

1 comment:

Kate said...

That is so cool you did that. I shoud've thought of that! I loved the picture with the ducks...that is hilarious. I bet they were freaking out that a golf cart was chasing them. I wonder if Jack rode on any of those ducks!