
Mexican Riviera

Okay, so I finally have the pictures now to prove that I had an amazing Spring Break. Now, you may become very jealous, but don't be. Well, actually yes, be jealous. It was an awesome vacation. I think I will detail it by day:
Saturday, March 10: We left the house at 6:00 a.m. I was surprised, I think it was the first time we actually left within 15 minutes of when we said we would. We drove out to LA, arriving about noon accounting for daylight savings. We unloaded everything and went up on deck to watch the boat leave port. We went to dinner, and it was great. Everynight dinner was amazing. We had some of the best tasting fine dining I have ever had. My favorite I think was the King Crab. Although on that day I didn't feel good and only ate a little bit. But for dessert it was crem brulee, most def.
Sunday, March 11: It was a very cloudy day and we didnt even want to chill out on the deck and soak up the sun. So, we went to the movie theatre and watched Casino Royale which was an awesome movie. We also spent several hours on board this cruise playing scum. I have to say, I have become the champion of that game.
Monday, March 12: This was the perfect day to soak up the sun. We spent many hours out by the pool swimming, eating, and just laying around being with eachother. I didn't even burn. My skin got a little tender, and I like to think I darkened. But no buring for me. It was a good day. Oh yeah, I also have to tell you about the hypnotist. This guy Steve Bayner was part of the entertainment and he hypnotized people to do some awesome things. He had them thinking they were naked, thinking he was naked, and one kid even thought he was Michael Jackson and did an awesome impression of Beat It. I even went up and took my chance at being hypnotized. It was really funny I have the DVD.
Tuesday, March 13: Puerto Vallarta! We had to wake up super early to get off the ship. And I had been out late, just talking. If you know what I mean. (But really, she's a cool girl) We waent to a water park and we swam with dolphins. La experiencia de la vida! I laid in the water and they pushed my feet with their noses until I was standing straight up. It was awesome. I also got to kiss them, and dance with them and ride them. This is one of those times that people would get jealous. I have to have my sister, Lara, scan the pictures before I can put them on here though. Then we played in the water park and went down these awesome tube slides. We had a great time. We also got to shop and then go back to the ship for another awesome dinner.
Wednesday, March 14: Mazatlan! Here we went kayaking to Deer Island. There were no deer there though. We played sand volleyball and got a lot more sun this day. Then we shopped and went back to the ship.
They had a comedian that night I think.
Thursday, March 15: Cabo San Lucas! This was my favorite city. It was very pretty and the beaches and water were amazing and clean. We just decided to chill on the beach this day and to do some shopping. Katie and I, and Jake and Sarah all rode jet skis, which was way cool. I have never ridden one before and I had so much fun. I couldn't stop laughing. Even when I got sprayed by some of the saltiest water ever and my eyes were burning. Haha. It was a great time.
Friday, March 16: This was our last full day on the ship. And it was cloudy and cold. But we still made the most of it. We played a long game of scum and had a great time. I also went up to Skywalker's Lounge for some dancing. It was a little much for me and I was tired so I peaced.
Saturday, March 17: We had to leave. We spent a few hours waiting for them to let us off the ship and then we drove home. Long day. But it was totally an awesome trip. There. I hope this does a little justice to SB.

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