
Check me out!

So I thought I would update after last....with the picture of my tattoo up comes an interesting story. I received an email from the brand manager of Amadeo Decada regarding my tattoo. She had been searching for links to the brand and my blog came up, she said that they were all so excited to see it and asked to put my picture in the gallery...its sweet, check it out http://www.amadeodecada.com/pages/gallery.html click on Amadeo Friends.

Anyway, otherwise life is going well...I turned 20 two days ago. I received much love and for that I am grateful. I was thinking about it too, you often hear of people's concern for growing older...in movies we see people staring into the mirror to see what new wrinkles or gray hairs could have grown over night. It never happens quite like that, but people are at times in awe of why they don't feel any different. Well, as I sat pondering this thought, I realized something: I do feel different, as I have on every birthday. Birthdays are a wonderful thing to me. I feel like there is more wisdom in age, maybe more respect. But, I just feel like I am more me. I don't know. But it's a good feeling. That's about it for now. Later.

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