
Been a while

So I know it has been a while...but who really checks this thing anyway? Well, I thought I would attach some photos. I don't really feel like saying much because I would rather be unconscious right now, but I was dinking around on this and checking out my family member's blogs. You should check them out too, they all have something special about them. We will all be getting together soon too, I am excited.
Here are the pictures..

So, I dyed my hair brown one day. It was random and I kind of like it. You may notice I didn't have my eye brows dyed for a day. Needless to say, people let me know.

Oh yeah, I also got a tattoo on my back. I really like the design. It's actually from a brand called Amadeo Decada, which I believe means "Love God Daily" or something. You may also notice that they are the cherubim from the Arc of the Covenant, although they are facing away from each other rather than towards.

Much love all. Happy greetings!


readerfam said...

Hi Matt!
We miss seeing you around our house :) I really like your hair brown, very cute. Although I think you are equally handsome blonde. Hope things in your life are going well, still headed toward medicine?
Come over for some games soon!

readerfam said...

p.s.- is that a real tattoo or a Rocky Point one?

Jake & Sarah Salmon said...

Love the hair brother! We can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!! Miss you!

Kim said...

Matt! I ran into your blog from Katie's. love the wings man. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Ashley said...

I like how this blog post has helped you reach a new level of importance! ha

Anonymous said...

Where did you get your tattoo done? It looks pretty nice! Did you specifically chose an artist to do it?