
Love is God

I have been asked many times what I believe in, and if that belief includes an all-powerful being: a god. Gradually my belief progressed over time until I became more or less agnostic. For me, claiming the existence of a god was as foolish as denying one since neither can truly be proven. I realized that throughout history, individuals have looked to the supernatural to provide answers to the questions they were unable to answer on their own. It seems strange to me that today, us monotheistic folk tend to turn up our noses at the ancient polytheists who worshipped those things around them that provided life. I wonder though, what is so strange about worshipping water, fire, the sun and Earth when they bring and maintain life and are actually tangible.

Then, per my usual routine, music sparked the further progression of my intellectual delve into spirituality and religiosity. It was a song about love, and it reminded me of a central tenet of my religion and my family. I can remember from a very young age being taught that God is love. Throughout my youth, that meant that God was the source of love and that He loved all things without condition. As I listened to that song I remembered also that whenever A equals B, B must always equal A, and therefore if God is love, then love is God.

I have always maintained that regardless of the existence of a god, there must be some universal force that brings people together and creates society and humanity. I believe that force is love. I believe love creates us, love guides us, love connects us and love gives us meaning. Love is all-powerful, all knowing and it is warm. And, just as the Bible explains that God begat Jesus Christ, who I believe is merely a symbol for forgiveness, so too, does love beget forgiveness. With that being said, I am certain that the Bible is no more than the greatest allegory and literary genius that this world has ever seen and may ever see.

If you view humanity as a beehive you can see that alone, we are nothing, but together we are everything. Just as the bees work by some force of nature, some drive for survival, we too, live our lives by a beautiful and unforeseen force. We live because we love. The Bible explains that God provides agency, or our ability to choose, and with love we have the same privilege of choice which is ultimately based on what or who we love, whether it is another or ourselves or some object of our desire.

We must therefore live and love, for heaven is simply a life full of love and hell is the opposite, devoid of it. It is our choice to make those decisions that would land us in a state of joy and peace or one of loneliness and complete misery. I think that rather than treat others based upon our belief in where they will be after they die, we should love them for who they are, and in so doing form a paradise here and now. As I trusted in God, I spent my time concerned about what I should do in order to live in heaven once dead, meanwhile I created and lived in hell. Now it seems, life has more meaning and as I trust in love, I spend my time living life in happiness and know it can only progress. After all, life is for living.


Sandy Price said...

You've inspired me. Check my blog post!

Jolan said...

I've just recently come across your blog since all the brujahahaha about your father. This was a nice piece, does it still hold now that its been a few years? I find myself somewhat going into this direction your describing, it hits a tone.

- J

Unknown said...

It does still hold