

So I went back to Virginia to spend time with the family. It was an awesome trip. I think with us all being older we get along a lot better, and probably that we haven't seen eachother all together in a year. Anyway, I got there on May 8th, Jake's birthday and we celebrated that and just caught up a little with one another. We then spent the next day around the house and went out and saw Ironman, which is a great movie. Then we went to VA Beach where it started out a little rainy. We celebrated Mother's Day on Sunday, my mom's birthday on Monday, took the family photo on Wednesday, Jake and Sarah's anniversary on Thursday. Congrats to them making it a year. We drove back to the house on Friday and celebrated Gracie's birthday She is three. Saturday was Lara and Matt's anniversary...6 years. Sunday I came home.
This is at the aquarium in VA Beach...the turtle is real...crazy huh? He was just chillin above me, swimmin around.

This is my nephew and his plummer crack...I thought it was so funny.

He also liked to make faces into the mirror when he thought nobody was watching.

My parents takin a walk -


Kim said...

Looks like fun time! I love the picture of Jack, it made me laugh.

Natalie DeVore said...

I love the song on your profile! Its awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of your visit to VA Beach...that's my mission!!!!!

Kate said...

That was such a fun trip! I sure miss you and I can't wait to see Javi. I am so sad I couldn't come home for the 4th...Soon I hope!