
Funny Stories

Okay, no pictures for now...I just wanted to write down some funny things so that I wouldn't forget them. I mean, it won't be the same because I am going to write them in English and they happened in Spanish, and things just seem funnier in Spanish for some reason.
For everyone's info, the characters are here named:
Luis Mariano: Father
Cristina: Mother
Luis: 6 year old son
Jacob: 3 year old son (pronounced hah-cobe)

First...one night we went to the store for compras, and Jacob peed his pants a little (he's still being potty trained) and so we went outside and Cristina took him over to a wall to help him do his thing when I hear her scream. I asked her what was wrong and she turned around whiping her face and said "He peed in my eye!"
I thought it was funny because she didn't seem to mind at all, she just thought it was really funny and had no idea how he could even do that. You'd be surprised what you can do though.

Second...you know how when kids are growing up they do lots of things they shouldn't? Same story here. In the U.S. we say, "We don't do that. We don't touch that/lick that/bite that...etc." Here they do the same thing, they say "Eso, no se hace." Basically I am always telling Luis "We don't do this or that." Well, one night at dinner Luis farted and his parents got upset and said "Luis, WE don't do that!" To which, Luis got really angry and said "Well, Mateo farted in my ear!" and he turned to me and yelled "MATEO, ESO no SE hace!" I was kind of taken a back and embarrassed and all I could say was, "I'm sorry Luis, I ask your forgiveness" and Luis Mariano turned to me kind of ironically and said, "I think it's past time for that, don't even worry about it," or something along those lines.

Third...another farting story. We were sitting at the table when Jacob quietly got up and started heading away. As he passed his mom he said, "Mamá, I farted twice." And Cristina said, "Two farts?" And Jacob replied, "Sí, it smells" and then just walked away. It was so funny. Cristina busted up laughing and could not control herself as Luis Mariano sat keeping a straight face so he wouldn't condone the action. Once Cristina composed herself and Luis and I were still laughing, she said "Ok, that's enough." Haha, I imagine my mom doing something similar.
Reminds me of Jack asking Jake to pull his finger at Grandma and Grandpa Huish's house and farting and just keeping a straight face completely. And Grandpa laughing so hard.

That's my funny stories for now.

I had a great time visiting friends of the family here. They were so awesome and wouldn't let me pay for anything. They let me help decorate their Christmas Tree and took me out for Mexican food, fed me pancakes. They were great. I think I have also found what city I want to live in when I move here. Cadiz, Spain.

1 comment:

Kate said...

That is so funny! I love a good farting story. I am so glad I got to visit you there because I can really picture it all in my head. I am glad farting never gets old no matter what country you live in.