

So, I got a new job. I know, I have been a little iffy on jobs lately, but I found one that I think will stick....AMERICOPY! I really enjoy it. I love the people I work with, and they really work well for my hours. I couldn't be happier with the job. Well, maybe if I got paid 3k per hour, but I get paid well enough, so no complaining. I just needed money so I wouldn't be living in the streets in Spain. I leave on August 28th for Spain and I am so excited. I will be living in a piso compartido, I believe. Which is to say that I will be sharing a flat with other students. Which, I have to say will be cool. And it's cheaper than living with a family. Anyway, summer school is also almost over. 1 more week and I will have met my goals...A's in summer school. 11 credits at 4.0. It's awesome. I would recommend summer school to anyone, especially if they are sciences. I guess that's about it for now. Oh, in 2 weeks I am going to visit Katie in California. I am excited for that, because I get to see her before I leave. It may be the last time for a couple months though, and that's sad. I will be in Spain for four, but Katie and my parents are coming to visit me in October and we are all going to Italy! I think Katie and I may just both find our amores there. Later for now.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey, I like the sound of that! Lets plan on finding our Amores there. I can't wait for the trip and I am excited to see you next week! We can do whatever your heart desires...even go to six flags or something. I am so happy you get to go to spain...what an adventure.