
Crazy Week

This next week is going to be a little crazy, and I am beginning to wonder if I will be able to handle it all. I have my last final in about 12 hours and then, my first year in college is over. It's all pretty exciting to me. Plus, I get to get away from everything. I am getting more and more excited to start to live my life. I can finally take control and let things be how I want them to be. Of course, much of my time will be dictated by a job, but I can be in a new place and meet new people. I am waiting for this to happen.

I watched the last 45 minutes of The Secret tonight. I know that I need to focus on what is positive and good. My focuses are on money, friendships, and travel. I will make at least $20,000 this summer and will think the thoughts to attract that to me. And then, in the fall and winter, I plan to travel a lot. I'm attracting these plans through my energy. I am now sending out signals for them to come to me. That's about the extent of that for now.

Anyway, we had a family meeting tonight to discuss the upcoming week...it goes as follows:
Tuesday, May 8 - Jake's Birthday and my last final. Jake's birthday barbeque at 6.
I need to sell some items on ebay, sell my school books on halfbay or amazon, sell the cavalier, finish the
paperwork for study abroad, clean my room and get it ready to not have an occupant. (These to do's can
be spread along other days as well)
Wednesday, May 9 - Continue with my to do's, maybe mowe the lawn, make sure to get stuff for Amanda to drive to CALI
Thursday, May 10 - Katie's commencement and graduation, family dinner before then
Friday, May 11 - Sarah goes through the temple and then family dinner afterwards with the in-laws family
Saturday, May 12 - Mom's Birthday
Sunday, May 13 - Mother's Day and Mom and Gracie's birthday celebration, last Sunday in Menlo Park ward
Monday, May 14 - Wedding Dinner, have to help set up tables and chairs, must begin laundry
Tuesday, May 15 - Wedding at noon, reception that night, last goodbyes to friends
Wednesday, May 16 - Move to California and say goodbye to AZ for a time

That is my week. I guess written out it doesn't seem as much. But that is a lot of stuff to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It’s great to know that more and more people are getting exposed to The Secret and The Science of Getting Program. Recently Bob Proctor is talking about how to accelerate the process of attraction in an interview. Great stuff! You can get a copy of the interview here: www.visualizationtechnique.com