
This of course is Spain. I'm really on a big Spain kick right now since I will be living there in a few months. It's hard to grasp that I will be leaving and moving out on my own. And in a totally new country. The city I am going to is in the far south, it's called Granada. I will be attending the university there as a transfer student. I will live with a Spanish family, and I can't wait. The picture down at the bottom is a castle that overlooks Spain. It's called Alhambra. Anyway, I have realized something. This year I will live away from home more months than I will be living at home. It's an awesome and scary thought. I think I will have to tell a lot of people just to watch this blog to follow me around in my travels and in how school is doing. Then, I will get less of the, "What did you do? What was it like?" And all that. Anyway, I hope you all appreciate that I'm going to be sharing this with you.

1 comment:

Lara said...

i'm glad to see you blogging. it will keep us close even though we will be thousands of miles apart. i will be jealous of you in spain with every new post.